We do not know when the Tachanka rework will drop, but it will be in Year 5. Halle said that Tachanka will be “really fun to play with, but hard to master”. If used correctly, he will become a solid replacement for Goyo and Smoke. It seems like after the rework, Tachanka can actually be a valid operator rather than a walking meme. “Right now if you play him right, learn the angles, and know the best places to set on fire, you can deny a pretty big amount of space for a pretty long time,” lead game designer Jean-Baptiste Halle said at the Rainbow Six Siege Six Invitational 2020. The newly added gadget will be “spammier,” which means that it will carry a lot of ammo. The grenade launcher throws small fireballs that will cover small areas in fire, hence, essentially becoming a denial operator. As his previous gadget become a primary weapon, it was obvious that he needed a new gadget. That’s not all, as Tachanka will also get a new gadget: a flame grenade launcher, Yep, you read that right.