You can skip ALL the quests with an option in the holotape under Tools > Cheats. In the majority of cases you will break the mod using console commands to skip quests or quest stages because this mod was not designed for that. Don't do it unless it comes directly from Kinggath or a support team member like myself. Don't 'bounce dive' and spend less than 5 minutes in a settlement. You can either reduce your mod load and start a new save game or just plan on spending more time in your settlements. If you're running on lower end hardware (especially CPU) OR have a lot of script/quest heavy mods such as other big quest mods, some companion mods, major game overhaul mods then you may end up with a lot of script lag. If none of the above apply then just be patient and wait in your settlement doing nothing (don't use pipboy or workshop menu) for 10-15 minutes for scripts to finish processing. Verify you're not running a known mod conflict.Verify save game is clean (never had SS1/Conqueror installed on it).
Verify latest version of SS2 and Workshop Framework (WSFW) (and game version).NPC is stuck, not talking, quest not progressing: